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It was established in 1962 as a Technical Training Center, Chittagong in the Nasirabad industrial Area of Chittagong City Corporation, Chittagong district. The aim of this center was to provide technical training to the returning soldiers of the Second World War and youth to develop their skill and employment as a part of rehabilitation. It was established under the Ministry of Health at that time. Later on, it was administered by the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources. Currently this institution is managing by Beauru of Maonpower Employment and Training under the administrative ministry namely “Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare by Overseas Employment.

In 2012-2013, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has funded for remodeling and infrastructure development. After remodeling, it was renamed as “Bangladesh-Korea Technical Training Centre (BKTTC), Chattogram”. Due to remodeling, its capacity has increased with modern equipment and machineries. As a result, this center is enabled to provide quality training and better employment to the youth of these areas. It is now a regional center of excellence in the area of skill development. With some vital initiative of the current government regarding skill development training and ToT, it is massively contributing to achieve SDG.


Major Activities:

  • Offer skill development training on 42 courses under NTVQF (Level I, II, III & IV).
  • Provide special training on Motor Driving aiming to produce skilled driver to support demand of home and overseas market.
  • Conduct Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) on 22 occupations, 2 days orientation and 1 day assessment
  • Based on Employer’s demand we offer Tailor-made courses on technical Training. 
  • Provide Pedagogy Training and Assessment (NTVQF Level 4) for the trainer of different training center of Bangladesh.
  • Provide pedagogy training and Assessment (NTVQF Level 4) for the Industry assessor of Bangladesh.
  • Offer Public Private Partnership Program (PPPP) on skill development training and employment.
  • Conduct mandatory “Pre Departure Orientation” course to the overseas bound worker. 
  • Support work-ready graduates to get proper job through “job placement cell”.
  • Offer especial Training courses in collaboration with City & Guilds (UK).
  • Establishing close relations with industries to accelerate employment.